How "Cell"phone overusing is disconnecting us?
Mobile Phone is one of the great things a man has invented. It is used for a variety of purposes. One to keep in touch with friends and loved ones no matter where you are, second to have access in the event of an emergency, third it can be for business or personal use and of course mobile phones are used to surf the internet, listen to music and capture those precious moments. For instance, you can connect to your friend on the other side of the world even without electricity. It is maybe the main reason why someone chooses to own a phone. Overall, phones became a convenient means of communication.
However, we are living in a fast-moving world where it is impossible to imagine our everyday life without a phone. Mobile phones play a big role in our lives today. But many of us didn't notice how much we depend on the usage of our phone and the effects of overusing it.
How many of us get pissed when we forget our phone? Be it going to the bathroom, or gets upset while going to the store without it? How many of us feel stressed when we lost our phones? In fact, it's easy to feel like you're the one who is lost when you can't find your phone. I mean, it's everyone. I admit it myself too. It's everywhere and people are addicted. When friends are hanging out, having dinner with the family, a date with someone. I see it every day.
The thing is everyone loves to capture those moments with their phone instead of actually living them or enjoying that particular moment with a friend or loved ones. So I can say that we are no longer Present anymore. We are obsessed with documenting or posting every little thing that is happening in our lives. We live in a world where getting more likes is more important than being liked by someone in real life through our characters. People started to be defined by how many followers they have or how famous he/she is in TikTok/Instagram, not who truly he/she is.
What happened to the world? This has to stop and change. We're supposed to be connected not disconnected. Our phones help us to be in touch with the people who are far away from us but also made us far from the people beside us, sadly. I get it that some people use their phones as a form of destruction and not to feel less isolated, I understand that.
Humans need connections especially now that the world is going through a pandemic, where some people feel lonely and isolated. But as long as there is a balance or moderation, then there will be no problem at all. We just have to be aware and remind ourselves to be more in the present. Change some old habits. In order to live in the moment, focus on the Now. Notice the world around you more than the screens that you always look at. Put your phone down, the text or the notifications you received will be there later, but the person with you won't. Pay attention to the people who matter the most. In this way, you will obtain a higher level of satisfaction, which allows you to have a better experience and to respect the people around you. Because at the end of the day, as they say, our phones have already replaced the calendar, camera, watch, etc please don't let it replace your friends or family.
Unplug it.
Digital Detox.
It's good for you.
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